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性感的味道 3品牌完美展現男性費洛蒙/ 3 Brands 3 Fragrances, It’s all about Sexy

Dylan Tang

出生時,在眼睛還未張開之際,嗅覺便是辨認身旁的人是誰最好的方法。長大後,當你尋找另一半時,除了從外觀刺激體內慾望外,透過香氣來挑起荷爾蒙則是另一個好方法。但在資本主義橫行的年代,想要透過香味大賺一筆,除了要有更迷人的味道外,還得在外觀上達到吸睛的效果,因此時尚品牌 Burberry、Prada、Calvin Klein 最新的男性香水就找來歐美電影圈最具性感代表性的演員來做代言人。

Burberry Hero

英國時尚豪門品牌 Burberry 推出了由創意總監Riccardo Tisci 首次打造的男性香水。在這個形象廣告裡頭 Burberry 找來了曾獲奧斯卡提名的Adam Driver 擔任代言人。在這個形象廣告裡頭,Adam Driver 在海邊展露姣好的身材,並且透過激起的浪花,展現男人性感的完美轉變。

Prada Luna Rossa Ocean

義大利時尚豪門品牌 Prada 的男性香水 Prada Luna Rossa Ocean 找來了同樣得過奧斯卡提名的 Jake Gyllenhaal 擔任代言人。在這個廣告裡頭,Jake 展現出男性的力與美,並在光影之間透過雨水和海水展現出男性充滿費洛蒙的極致性感。

Calvin Klein Defy

美國極簡性感品牌 Calvin Klein 則找來了曾獲 BAFTA 最佳男演員獎的 Richard Madden 擔任 Calvin Klein Defy 的代言人。在這個形象廣告裡,Richard Madden 在城市間遊走,展露美國男子的日常氣魄。這位35歲的演員在這次合作中提到「能跟 Calvin Klein Defy 合作是一個很不可思議的經驗,我很開心能夠有這樣的合作。」


When you are looking for your partner, either you attract by the appearance, the smell is also another way. Therefore, the latest men's fragrances from fashion brands Burberry, Prada, and Calvin Klein found sexy and representative actors as their new spokespersons.

Burberry Hero

British fashion brand Burberry launched the first men's fragrance created by creative director Riccardo Tisci. In this campaign, Burberry worked with Academic nominated Adam Driver to be their new face. The 37-year-old actor shows his beautiful figure by the beach, and through the waves that arouse, delivers the perfect transformation of men's sexy.

Prada Luna Rossa Ocean

Prada Luna Rossa Ocean, the male fragrance of the Italian fashion brand Prada, worked with Jake Gyllenhaal, who also nominated for Oscar. In this campaign, Jake shows men's power and beauty and the extreme sexiness of men full of pheromones through rain and sea between light and shadow.

Calvin Klein Defy

Calvin Klein got Richard Madden, who won the BAFTA Best Actor Award, as the face for Calvin Klein Defy. In this campaign, Richard Madden wanders between cities, revealing the daily spirit of American men. The 35-year-old mentioned in this cooperation, "Making the Calvin Klein Defy campaign was an amazing experience; I'm excited about this partnership and our work together."


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