Eckhaus Latta 在紐約時裝周結束之後,便開始進行一系列的時裝廣告攝影,這對於熟悉時尚產業的人來說,是一個再正常不過的執行商業行為的路徑,不過,這一次Eckhaus Latta 推出的春夏廣告卻都讓人屏息凝視。
這一次Eckhaus Latta 找來了攝影師 Heji Shin 以及數組 “真正”的情侶來拍攝,這幾對情侶有同性伴侶以及異性伴侶,他們各自穿上了Eckhaus Latta 的春夏新裝進行一場火熱的性愛。
這幾組廣告出來之後,不管在哪個國家都迅速地造成轟動,因為這一次,Eckhaus Latta 徹底實現了每個人每天都需要的性愛以及服裝,他將兩者互相結合來表達所謂肌膚之親,畢竟與你皮膚最親密的就是你的衣服,而我們身為人,我們需要衣服,更需要美好的性愛。
Eckhaus Latta‘s spring campaign is absolutely hot. This campaign was shoot by photographer Heji Shin and featured by 'real' couples.
These couples wore Eckhaus Latta's spring/summer 2017 collection to had a real sex. You may think these sort of creative is inappropriate, however, we do think this campaign has able to showcase the real concept of clothing. Meaning, Your clothes are the closest things with your body, so as your lover! Therefore, you should get rid of some stupid bias of judgements because we are all human, we need clothes and good sex.
Where to buy and more information

Photography @hejishin Art Direction @ericwrennoffice Styling #AvenaGallagher Casting @samuelmuglia Production @frankseidlitz