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【街拍】倫敦男裝週 / 【Street-Style】London Fashion Week, Men's AW17

Pietro Recchia

倫敦男裝週這一季從London Collection Men's 改成 London Fashion Week, Men's。這個一年兩次的男性時裝盛會,或許名字變了,但是唯一不變的是街頭上每個人展現出的造型氣度。攝影師 Pietro Recchia 在倫敦男裝週時捕捉到的幾位名人。

Men's fashion week has changed their name from January 2017. This decision definitely was not an easy step. First of all, you are not able to use the hashtag #LCM any longer; instead, you have to use #LFWM on your social media. Countless things had changed, we couldn't explain to you one by one. However, the only thing hasn't changed is, we still have many stylish, dapper and loveable man on the street. Photographer Pietro Recchia captured the street during #LFWM


Nikolas Santur

Cosmin Cernica &  Thomas  Falkenstedt

Photographer: Pietro Recchia

Words: Dylan Tang


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