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#weaccept Information from Airbnb/ 來自Airbnb的訊息

Dylan Tang




今天,我們訂下目標,要為10萬個需要幫助的人提供臨時住宿。我們會由難民、災難受災戶、救災人員和退伍軍人等開始,並希望在未來能夠幫助更多不同類型的人。我們會與世界各地的房東社區合作,為這些流離失所的人找到一個棲身之所,讓他們能夠在新社區重新開始、融入社區且受到尊重。另外,Airbnb將會在未來四年投入超過4百萬美元,支援International Rescue Committee,為協助全球無家可歸的人盡一份心力。


這些努力只是一個小小的開端而已,希望您能透過以下的方式加入我們: 打開您的家門 讓流離失所的人有家可歸,或 捐款 至一些為有需要的人提供援助的組織。現在的孩子們可以在一個截然不同的世界裏長大,在一個不論身分地域,仍然包容接納他們的世界。因為我們真的相信,如果我們能接納彼此,世界將變得更加美好。

- Airbnb創辦人

We believe in the simple idea that no matter who you are, where you're from, who you love, or who you worship, you deserve to belong. We know this is an idealistic notion that faces huge obstacles because of something that also seems simple, but isn't - that not everyone is accepted.

People who've been displaced, whether because of war or conflict or other factors, are acutely vulnerable to not being accepted. They are, quite literally, in need of a place to belong, which is why we've been inspired to take action.

We started by providing housing for evacuees of disasters and have since provided housing during 54 global disasters. We partnered with organizations dedicated to the needs of refugees around the world. And just last week, we announced that the Airbnb community will provide free housing to refugees and those recently barred from entering the US. When we announced this, there was an outpouring of interest from our community, and we were inspired to go bigger.

Today we're setting a goal to provide short-term housing over the next five years for 100,000 people in need. We'll start with refugees, disaster survivors, and relief workers, though we want to accommodate many more types of displaced people over time. To help people around the world facing displacement, we'll work with our community of hosts to find not just a place to stay, but also a place to feel connected, respected, and a part of a community again. In addition, Airbnb will contribute $4 million over the course of four years to the International Rescue Committee to support the most critical needs of displaced populations globally.

We couldn’t talk about the lack of acceptance in the world without pointing out the challenges in our own community at Airbnb. The painful truth is that guests on Airbnb have experienced discrimination, something that is the very opposite of our values. We know we have work to do and are dedicated to achieving greater acceptance in our community.

These efforts are just the beginning, and we hope you consider joining us by sharing your home with someone who is displaced or donating to organizations that assist those in need. It’s possible that a child today will grow up in a different kind of world, one where they're accepted for who they are, no matter where they are. Because we really do believe that the world is a better, more beautiful place the more we accept each other.

- The founders of Airbnb


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