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來自地中海的禮物 Vivienne Westwood 春天形象照/ Gifts from Mediterranean, Vivienne Westwood's SS17 Campaign

Dylan Tang

「在我的人生裡,我花了一部分的時間在義大利,而這個地方也正是這次與Vivienne Westwood 所以一同產生合作作品的地方。我們對於地中海與義大利的愛是不容小覷的。我對於地中海有一種非常親密的情感,我那個時候在想『我想要做一個關於地中海的夏日系列』對這個地方的人事物致敬。我們稱這個系列為Europa (希臘神衹宙斯的情人之一)。 這片海的一切我都喜歡,不管是在義大利、希臘、法國還是西班牙;當你面對這片湛藍的海洋,當你注視著她,你會覺得你生命的一切都因為這片藍而改變。她讓人們看起來更可愛、更有朝氣了!這就是為什麼我鍾愛以及對地中海那麼著迷了。我喜歡這樣的陽光、我喜歡這裡女人去市場時穿著的比基尼、跟朋友一起午餐的義大利麵。在這裡的每件事情都很簡單,但同時又會讓你去思考著『數以千計的人透過這片海洋移民到這裡』這是我認識的歐洲嗎?我不是一個政治狂熱份子,但是我想要我的作品成為我所在的的一部分。我們所在的一切。」 - Andreas Kronthaler

This season the Andreas Kronthaler for Vivienne Westwood Spring - Summer 17 collection & campaign is inspired by the Mediterranean.

“I spend a lot of my time in Italy as this is where most of the collections are made - we have a studio and a team there and after all these years we have fallen in love with Italy and the Mediterranean. I love the sea and being close to it - I thought ‘I want to make the summer collection about the Mediterranean’, an homage to the people and the place. We are calling it ‘Europa’. I love everything around this big sea. There is a similarity if you are in Italy or Greece, Spain or France- suddenly you are in front of this fantastic blue and time changes and your attitude to life changes and the way you look changes. It makes people look so lovely and healthy. It’s this Mediterranean way of life I adore and am inspired by. I love the light. I love women wearing hardly anything- going to the market in their bikinis, lunch with friends- a bowl of spaghetti. Things are simple. But at the same time it makes you think - thousands and thousands of migrants moving across it every day- using the sea as a passage. Is it a coincidence that I’m thinking of Europe? I am not a particularly political person but I want the collection to be part of where I am, where we are.” - Andreas Kronthaler

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