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Dylan Tang

Sibling 秋冬男裝系列/ Sibling AW17 Menswear Collection

英國品牌 Sibling 推出了二零一七秋冬的男裝系列;秀場內的歡樂氣氛宛如一場盛大的派對,配上身材姣好的模特兒以及總是擁有鮮艷色彩的服飾,讓人忘記所有關於英國脫毆後帶來的慘況,而是回憶往日美好的六零年代。

針織一直是Sibling 每次服裝系列都擁有的特色,這次的在袖子上特別的表現;印花也是Sibling 每次都特別出的一環,這次帶回到六零年代有些愛德華感的印花,讓整體的系列跳脫出更具深層的意義。

Sibling presented their AW17 menswear collection during London Fashion Week, Mens'. The vibe of their show as usual had chill, relax but excited. You will never know what's happening until they start the show. Sibling had colourful apparel and models with abs weren't a news. And that's why no one can say no for Sibling. Just look those abs!

Knitting and pattern are always Sibling's spotlight. These ideas will never fade away. In the contrast, when British under the cloud about Brexit, I do believe British need more Sibling in their wardrobe.


Where to Buy and more information

​Official Website:

Facebook: Sibling London

INSTAGRAM: @siblinglondon


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