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Négligés 在時尚裡反映社會/ Négligés built a bridge between fashion and society.

Dylan Tang

Négligés 是在時尚產業裡出現的新興品牌,主要對於街頭時尚的男裝女裝做出屬於品牌的個性。

經歷過基輔時裝秀之後,Négligés現在正成為市場上炙手可熱討論的對象;街頭時尚在服裝市場裡總是擁有一定的市佔率,而最近重新興起的街頭時尚品牌例如 Vetements 就是一個最好的例子,當主流顧客對於奢華時尚的單品已經不再積極的主動購買甚至開始出現距離感,街頭時尚的整體造型以及價格在這個時候似乎就顯得親民許多。

不過服裝市場經過媒體的炒作,街頭時尚現在的價格也已經超出許多年輕人能負擔的範圍了,因此設計師 Kostya Nastevych 和 Alex Dzhangirov 這兩位設計師成立的品牌 Négligés 除了擁有街頭時尚的精神更在價格上更貼近民眾一些。

時尚一直都是與社會相輔相成的產業,而Négligés 這個字在法文裡即是 “浪費“ 的意思 。

在他們最新一季的服裝上,這兩位設計師也對現在街頭時尚品牌 Vetements 進行調侃 『 Négligés Vetements 』 似乎對於 Vetements 將街頭時尚的過度消費以及炒作價值表達不屑,更帶出Négligés 這個品牌最直接的態度。

Where to buy and more information.

Facebook: @Négligés

Instagram: @Négligés

Négligés is the new brand in fashion which focus on high-street fashion in menswear and womenswear.

Through Kiev's Fashion Days, Négligés officially turned into the popular topic of luxury street-style brands. In fashion, high-street fashion has high percentage in the market and has pretty much followers to support these brands. Recently, people are keep discussing how luxury fashion house manipulate by celebrities and PR stunts. These behaviours weren't accepted enough by certain customers, especially those price of the clothes are not easy to approach. Hence, street-style brands grab the opportunity to growing extremely fast in fashion. Recently Vetements is the brand which got massive attention and bunch of supporters but their price are not that easy as well. Therefore, after the fashion show in Ukraine, buyers and press found Négligés, the only brand who reflect fashion into society.

Négligés is the new label by Kostya Nastevych and Alex Dzhangirov, in addition, Négligé is French which means “wasted”. From their latest collection, duo put Negliges Vetements on tees. You can easily to translate that Negliges Vetements into ''Vetements is wasted''. It doesn't mean they wanted to challenge Vetements but the one thing we can confirm is that they really created a brand which reflect society in to fashion, literally!


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