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Thomas Burberry 的童話故事/ The Tale of Thomas Burberry

Dylan Tang

英國時裝豪門 Burberry 推出最新聖誕節影片,這次時間軸拉長至160年,故事述說一位裁縫在戰爭時期的愛情故事與設計靈感來源。

全明星演員陣容:Starring Domhnall Gleeson, Sienna Miller, Dominic West 和 Lily James

奧斯卡金獎導演:Asif Kapadia

Britain Fashion house Burberry unveiled their latest Christmas tale video "The Tale of Thomas Burberry". This is about Burberry 160 years spirit and tailor's love and inspiration.

Directed by Academy Award-winner Asif Kapadia

Starring Domhnall Gleeson, Sienna Miller, Dominic West and Lily James.


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