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MUSE 萬聖節新單曲 New Kind of Kick/ For Halloween! MUSE, New Kind of Kick.

Dylan Tang

英國搖滾樂團 MUSE 推出了迎合萬聖節的全新翻唱音樂作品以及音樂錄影帶 New Kind of Kick。這首歌是由美國龐克樂團 The Cramps 在1981年所發行;

MUSE主唱 Matt Bellamy 在影片裡頂著一顆梳得其高無比的髮型,就像是1981年這張單曲的封面人物一樣;樂團所有成員的穿著也呼應他們在社群軟體上預告的 ‘’萬聖節特別影片“ 一樣,穿著50年代搖滾樂團的皮衣以及整首歌的氛圍圍繞在萬聖節詭譎的氣氛裡。

這首單曲也是MUSE在2015年推出專輯 Drones 以及 完成世界巡迴演唱會後唯一的新作品。

The Britain Rock n' Roll band; MUSE, unveiled their new cover song and music video- New Kind of Kick. This song original from the American band; The Cramps who released in 1981.

In the music video, three of them wearing leather to showcase the rock n' roll band in the 1950s. Besides, Matt Bellamy, front man of MUSE, has the same hair-style as the cover in 1981. As they mentioned on social media, they will do their 'Halloween Special' soon. Here we are, they released this single just like flick fingers.

This track is the only new song after they released their latest album 'Drones' in 2015 and completed their global touring.


Where to buy and more information:

Facebook: @MUSE


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