英國利物浦出身的四人樂團 The Nighe Café 九月十二號發行他們的第三張單曲 Mixed Signals;
從二零一五年發行的首張單曲 ‘’Addicited ‘’ 開始,他們以歌詞貼近年輕人的感官以及渾然天成的利物浦音樂底子成功打出名號;接著在二零一六年接著發行單曲 ‘’Together‘’ 以及 ''Time'' 讓他們的名氣更上一層樓。
最新發行的單曲 ''Mixed Signals‘’ 以中快的節奏帶出情人之間的分崩離析,或是兩人間過多的訊號帶來的措手不及,使得整首歌傳達出一種分離的惆悵卻又頹廢喪志的輕快節奏。
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The Liverpool quartet The Night Café released their latest single 'Mixed Signals' on 12th September.
''Mixed Signals' is their third single but fourth songs since they published their first single ''Addicted'' last year. Their lyrics are not that cliché, instead, their words are very close to the young generation. Besides, the chord of their songs; be honest, can tell their phenomenal talent. Due to these reasons aforementioned, it's not difficult to tell they are going to be the megastar very soon.
''Mixed Signals'' is about a relationship which has too much changes and signals between of them. In this song, you can literally feel the pain from the vocal and lyrics but the rhythm isn't that too sorrow. Perhaps, 'Mixed Signals' is not just about the story behind the song, also about the various emotions in this song.
Facebook: The Night Café
Twitter: @nightcafeband
Soundcloud: The Night Café
Images from The Night Café Facebook pages