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Markus Lupfer 的自由狂想 / Markus Lupfer's freedom and unforeseen; SS17 collection

Dylan Tang

「在整個世界裡、人們在任何同樣的地點裡,卻不盡相同」- Paul Hartal






Mark Lupfer 的二零一七春夏女裝系列由匈牙利詩人Paul Hartal 的詩句作為開端,緊接著就是一連串的問題揭開序幕。

Mark Lupfer 的二零一七春夏女裝系列帶來了女性個人的勇敢與堅強的概念,將新鮮的花朵和水果重新詮釋,使這些元素轉印的布料上帶來全新的設計。Lupfer 使用全棉織布和刺繡作為手工製作的基礎,並且使用了深色的單寧布加重一些詼諧風趣的氛圍。

Mark 的設計沒有框架,例如海軍藍的尼龍雨衣搭配上茶色的絲質洋裝;將條紋毛衣因為亮片而提升質感、充滿珠寶的鞋子、蘋果形狀的墨鏡、點綴用的烏干紗以及俏皮的褶皺裝飾都因為Mark 的設計提升到另一個層次。

另外加上畫龍點睛效果的圓點元素,讓 Lupfer 的春夏女裝拉回了一點中性感覺;就像他原本腦海中的畫面一樣 『是時候擁抱自由以及接受意外。』

‘Around the whole world

People are the same everywhere:

They are different.’ – Paul Hartal

Will globalisation mean the end of originality?

Has the internet killed sub-culture?

Will homogeneity reign indefinitely?

Can we still have fun with clothes?

And if so, how?

Markus Lupfer's SS17 womenswear start by a Hungarian poet. After these inspire sentence, following up are couple of questions that lead you to his beautiful world.

Mark Lupfer’s spring/sumer 2017 collection breaks out, brave and strong, to offer invitations to individuality. Lupfer resets by return to the freshness of flowers and fruits. Hand-drawn prints are bearing bounties waiting to be discovered; precise, beaded embroidery harks back to homespun craft; stiff dark denim takes a whimsical turn with hand-stitched motifs of wildlife.

There are no rules. Stuff a nylon navy raincoat over a ruffles silk tea dress. Upgrade a stripy jumper to one that’s studded with sequins. Indulge in jeweled shoes, juicy apple-shaped sunglasses, embellished organza, frivolous frills and pleats. Embrace polka dots as a new neutral… It’s time to embrace the unforeseen-and be free.

Where to Buy and more information

Facebook: Markus Lupfer

INSTAGRAM: @markuslupfer

Twitter: @markuslupfer

All Images took by Tracy Wang


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