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Molly Goddard 的春夏女裝狂想/ Molly Goddard's womenswear fantasy, SS17

Dylan Tang

Molly Goddard 2017年春夏女裝系列的靈感來自於 『週末生活裡的團體與個人』;不管是形單影隻還是好友圍繞,服裝都是他們擁抱自由並且逃離世俗的一種方式。

對於這樣的氛圍,Goddard 對於這些女孩的服裝設想非常周到,連細節的鞋子搭配都做得非常食用但是有型。回顧那些你曾經與朋友一起出門的時光,那些服裝搭配不管是你自已搭配出來的還是突顯個性都是一整個時尚系列。

如花一般的澎澎裙搭配上拼接上衣以及T-shirt 上的針織繡花;T-shirt 上的圖案是由攝影師 Nick Waplington 在紐約地下俱樂部的攝影系列。Goddard 的春夏女裝系列也搭配上他孩童時期喜歡的造型;罩衫以及格子布面料來的設計。

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INSTAGRAM: @mollygoddard

For SS17 Molly Goddard seeks inspiration from communities and individuals who ‘live for the weekend’ and who use their clothes as a means to embrace freedom, escaping the mundanities of their working lives despite the decline of spaces and opportunities for this to take place.

Approaching occasion-wear in the purest sense, Goddard envisages her girls dressing for an outdoor all-nighter in playful dresses, but sensibly layered for warmth and paired with practical shoes. Recalling the era of enjoying dressing-up with friends, DIY customisation and personalised touches are key to the collection.

Fluoro tulle is layered with patchworked jersey and embroidered knits alongside t-shirts featuring photographer Nick Waplington’s series capturing New York’s underground club scene. Goddard also touches upon her love of child-like clothes and home-made techniques with heavily smocked and gathered gingham, creating bold textures and shapes.

Stylist: Alice Goddard Casting: Alice Goddard Set Design: Sarah Edwards Hair: Alex Brownsell and Bleach Makeup: Thomas De Kluyver and the M.A.C PRO team Nails: Saffron Goddard using Faby Shoes: Molly Goddard for TOPSHOP Music: Fred Macpherson


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