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JAMIE WEI HUANG SS17- "THE KOOL KIDS" - 官方倫敦時裝周SHOWROOM 唯一台灣設計; The only Taiwanese designe

Dylan Tang

16日開幕的唯一官方倫敦時裝周的Deisgner Showroom會場, 受邀發表的唯一台灣設計. 時裝周早上由英國時裝協會所舉行的Private View邀請頂級買家,到場的世界頂級各大媒體共襄盛舉,所有設計師嚴正以待,17日正式對外開幕. 為期4天的時裝周展期也將再度將黃薇2017春夏-"THE KOOL KID"- 呈現與4大時裝周的國際舞台.

Jamie Wei Huang黃薇是來自台灣的倫敦當代女裝設計師,畢業世界頂尖 英國倫敦聖馬汀學院學士,在學其 間曾實習於英國頂間設計師 Alexsander McQueen 與Christopher Kane 並在畢業後擔任2012倫敦奧運畢幕 服裝設際師與製做.畢業後贏得柏林國際服裝大賽 ”Desginer for tomorrow“明日設計師大賽 並在Stella McCartney 的鼓勵下與媒體的推崇下在2013創立了Jamie Wei Huang 品牌.2015再度拿下ELLE Talent Award 冠軍 隔年更入選 Vogue Italy Talent Award. 黃薇在台灣出身於純藝術背景,主修油畫創作與雕朔,在 服裝創作上更是不 為潮流與時尚流行所左右,堅持以工藝般的對待作品,研究創作過程與材料 之中的勞動 美感,將精工工藝技術與態度創作服裝,並顛覆傳統時裝產業對 服裝的刻板印象與快速時尚.將服裝作為自 我意識表達的ㄧ 個窗口與語言, 以個述說故事的管道而非只是時尚產業的商品.

黃薇 2017春夏系列- “The Kool Kids”-, 時間回朔到學生時代或公司特定的著裝規則,那個曾經在特定服裝 儀容規則下而衍伸出的特定文化與趣事.記憶中的訂做制服褲配上運動服, 不願意扎進褲頭而放上抽繩的 襯衫下擺, 被迫繡上統一化的學號,當初的我們在ㄧ個限制的制度下發展出ㄧ套與流行不盡相同卻又在特 定團體中被認同的潜規則.記憶中西裝下的小巧思, 那個學生年代用立可白塗鴉的書包, 寫在書桌上的歌 詞,運動服與制服搭配的過大上衣.在每個不同的時空當中都有像這樣在團體中所認為”酷”的孩子們.”酷 “的事情.本季以極大襯衫西裝等元素與休閒剪裁結合而造成的對比,延續品牌的輕金屬風與精工精藝.本 季以幽默的方式重現出不同時空不同國家與人們曾經經歷過的那段稍嫌幼稚的輕狂與可愛.

Jamie Wei Huang is a contemporary womenswear label, founded by Jamie Wei Huang after graduating from Fashion Design Womenswear at Central Saint Martins College in London. Continuing Jamie Wei Huang's strong belief in seeking self- expression through fabrication and materials Jamie Wei Huang stays true to her signature style of strong elongated silhouettes, constructed with careful juxtaposition of fabrics to cater to the contemporary individuals.

Spring Summer 2017 collection is about looking back to periods of our life, being an individual in a society, in a work group, a student, a daughter, an office worker, and the natural rules that are found in every society. SS17 picks up on the subconscious rebellion each individual expresses under those guidelines.The battle between conforming to a stereotype and being recongnised, such as wanting to wear uniform but then distorting it, folding up hems at uniform shirt rather than tucking it in, sports class sweatshirt mixed with suits, graffitied love song lyrics written on school bags ....The strictness has brought up a certain appearance that was different from the trend but recongised by the group.

It was developed from the rules but became an odd way of coolness and certain identity.

The collection is based on clean outlines distorted with the elements such as leather cord through shirt, embroidering on garment with the actual code and number of the pieces and using the industry professional note, from pattern cutting, sampling, making to reveal the reality of the role of the pieces prior existance.

SS17 continues with Jamie Wei Huang’s unique motif of metal trimming and sport luxe fabrications which play a key part in the brand signature. Spring Summer 2017 is examining the contrast of traditoinal identifiction with society expectation in every role that we play to try recreate and bring back the time of the innerself.


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