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Moncler 先生的冒險之旅/ Mr Moncler’s creative adventure has just begun

Tracy Wang


最為人所知的羽絨精品品牌就非Moncler莫屬了,其名字來自法國東南方靠近阿爾卑斯山的一個小鎮Monestier-de-Clermont的簡寫,品牌故事開始於第二次世界大戰期間,法國被德國佔領並一分為二,在自由地區3個熱愛滑雪的男孩結識,且戰後1952年設計出能夠遠征極地的登山滑雪羽絨服,由於用色大膽、設計新穎,因此吸引大眾支持。 Moncler在2003年由一間義大利公司買下,因此Moncler定位於全球精品品牌、且有著義大利風格的品牌形象。


今年9月Moncler率先推出了秋冬的形象廣告,以Q版的Mr Moncler為品牌代言人,在時尚之都米蘭開始了他的冒險之旅!影片短短只有30秒,雖然讓人摸不著頭緒,但也是秀盡了米蘭的美。

The September equinox marks the beginning of fall. Brands have started to launch the autumn-winter products although the cold weather has not set in yet. Down jacket is probably a must-have item in Taiwan. Especially we can not live without it when we ride a scooter, otherwise we might freeze on the Kwan-Tu Bridges when the damp and chilly wind blew into our sleeves.

When it comes to the luxury ski wear, only Moncler can fill this post. His name is taking from an abbreviation of Monestier-de-Clermont, a mountain village near Alps in the southeast of France. The backstory began during World War II that France was divided by Germany. Three young avid skiers met in free zone, and therefore they designed ski wear for the harshest climates. They became extremely successful due to its beautiful and innovative design with functional performance. This French luxury brand was bought by an Italian company, which aimed to use their Italian influence to change Moncler’s position as a global luxury brand.

Moncler officially invades into Taiwan since 2013. Moncler fever struck Taiwan and their down jackets are selling like hot cakes even if their basic styles jump from 30,000 TWD. Some people believe that a Moncler down jacket is a fashion must-have in life, as same as Japanese women believe a Louis Vuitton bag is a fashion must-have in their life! Perhaps Moncler is the only high-end brand who is able to make people look fashionable and slim in the puffy down jacket.

In September 2016, Moncler releases their new F/W advertisement with their Q ambassador Mr. Moncler. He begins his creative journey in Milan Italy in 30s ad. It is a bit confusing but it shows the beauty of Milan anyway.


Image source comes from Moncler official website


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