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Rich Lown 來自英國南岸的聲音/ Rich Lown, The Folk Rock Artist from South Coast England

Dylan Tang

Rich Lown 來自英國南岸 Bexhill-On-Sea 地區,是一個獨立民謠搖滾歌手,曾在2013年發行首張錄音室專輯 Worlds Apart 並且被英國廣播公司 (BBC) 譽為 「最溫暖的聲音以及值得受尊重的聲音」。

第二張錄音室專輯 Brand New Start 在九月二日 在iTunes 以及 Spotify 上線,這張全新專輯帶出了他三年來的人生經歷以及唱出給飽受生活折磨的人的人生歌曲。

臺客雜誌 與 Rich Lown 的訪問揭露出他的全新專輯 Brand New Start 裡更多的細節。

Where to Buy? iTunes

Where to Listen? Spotify

臉書專頁 Facebook

Rich Lown, a folk rock artist from the south coast of England. His debut album 'Worlds Apart' released in 2013 and BBC claimed

“Rich has one of those relaxed, velvety voices that just commands respect. You have to respect a voice like that.” - BBC Introducing

His second studio album 'Brand New Start' has released on the 2th of September in 2016. If you want to figure out what he had through from the past three years. You definitely have to listen through all album. You are able to purchase 'Brand New Start' on the iTunes or do online-stream on Spotify.

TAIKER Magazine unveil the interview with Rich Lown. You can get more details about Brand New Start from this interview.


1. 你的最新專輯 'Brand New Start' 有什麼背後的故事在裡面嗎?

Brand New Start 是一張結合我過去12-18個月裡所以個情感以及生活歷程的專輯;從經歷感情的更迭、生活的潮起潮落,讓我能夠寫出關於這些貼近人心的歌曲。我寫歌是因為『我喜歡人們感受到歌曲裡面的情感以及文字』,而這張專輯也一定能夠使人有對生活感情聯結的效果。

2. 新專輯 Brand New Start 裡對你來說最有意義的三首歌?


Chance To Change It - 剛開始寫這首歌的時候,我的情緒非常的低落以及厭惡整個世事,因為當時我們正經歷著 2015年巴黎恐怖攻擊的事件。我著實的因為這個全球事件受到情緒上的衝擊,也議會因為這件事情的發生,我們這個世界是多麽可望遲來的和平,因此我把心情轉換,化作寫出這首歌的動力。儘管歌詞並非那麼貼近攻擊事件,不過歌詞的意涵能夠更貼近我們的生活以及當下的感受。

Mend Your Heart - 這是一首特別關於曾經在『某處』經歷過一段際遇的一首歌。因為我們都曾經在對方正經歷人生中最煎熬的時期或者正因感情上的糾葛而武裝自己心靈時遇見他們,他們只是想確保你們、我們、他們不會再經歷過一樣個事情。

Coming & Going - 這首歌對我來說是意義非凡的一首歌;著手時,我完全不知道歌詞會往哪個方向過去,只知道我唯一能下筆的字就是 ‘Coming & Going'。經過許多挫敗之後,我無意間看見網路上的一則新聞;發生在發好萊屋明星- Wentworth Miller 的新聞。 The Lad Bible (知名社群媒體)大肆報導他身材變形、體重過重的消息,因此在經過這些社會輿論的壓力下,Miller 不僅受困在憂鬱症裡更自殺了,這樣的新聞讓 The Lad Bible 在網路上公開道歉並且第一次的讓世人僅覺得其實這樣的行為會著實的攻擊以及傷害到人。

這個故事警惕至我的生活儘管我生活上沒有受憂鬱症的折磨;我因此去看了Miller 的部落格,感受他在這個過程中的所有感受。我將這些心靈層面的感官轉換為一首歌,歌曲裡描述著世界上或許也有人正在受到他這樣的折磨。憂鬱症是一個討人厭並且非常受到誤解的疾病,如果有任何受到憂鬱症折磨的人能在這首歌找到一些慰藉,那麼這首歌就是一首完整的作品。

3. 在你的首張專輯 ' Worlds Apart' 之後,你跑去哪裡了?我們等待你的新音樂已經很久了。

我一路上忙著巡迴演出以及譜出新的歌曲並且準備下一張專輯;身為一位獨立藝術家,生活上並不是那麼優渥因此發行這一張專輯花了我一段時間。幸運的是,跟我很好的一位製作人 Olli Daffarn;Blue Dot Studios,與我一同確認這一張專輯的品質以及呈現給觀眾的體驗,我們都非常自豪這件作品,因為我們知道這是最棒的作品!

4. 在發行第二張專輯之後,你覺得你與之前的自己有什麼不同嗎?


5. 發行後 Brand New Start 後,你的下一步計畫是什麼呢?


1. What is the story behind your latest album 'Brand New Start'?

Brand New Start is a collection of songs written over the last 12 - 18 months of various life experiences and emotions in my life and others around me. From dating to break ups and frustrations to excitement, there is so much that people can relate to in their every day lives through every song. I like to write music where people really feel every emotion of every word I sing and this album definitely has that vibe to it.

2. Can you please choose three songs for us from the Brand New Start?

With every song I write, there is some kind of meaning to it but there are some songs that are extra meaningful on this album.

Chance To Change It - I started writing this song around the time of the Paris attacks last year where I really felt frustrated and sick of the world we live in. I was personally really affected by these attacks and along with the rest of the world wanting peace, it was incredibly sad to see and I kind of tuned my energies into writing about wanting to change it. Although not every lyric relates to the attacks as such, it's more a general feeling of frustration and I think we can all relate to that at times.

Mend Your Heart - This song in particular is about 'being there' for someone who's been through a lot. We all meet people who have had a hard time or start falling for someone who have a bit of a guard up from being hurt and it's about assuring the person that you're there for them and aren't going to do the same.

Coming & Going - This song in particular means quite a lot to me. I started writing this song without knowing what the lyrics were going to be about and the only words I did write down were 'Coming & Going'. After much frustration, the internet went crazy over a particular Hollywood Star called Wentworth Miller. Wentworth was subject of an internet meme by 'The Lad Bible' about him being overweight and to cut a long story short, Wentworth came out to say that he had been suffering from depression all his life. This quickly turned into a public apology by Lad Bible and it was the first time the world was aware of Wentworth's suicidal past and struggles.

This story particularly hit a nerve with me and although I have never personally suffered from depression, it lead me to reading a lot of his blogs about the feelings and thoughts he would go through. I then tuned into these feelings and wrote the song in the eyes of someone who might be feeling like he does. Depression is a nasty and very misunderstood disease and if anyone who suffers from it take any sort of comfort from this song then job done! The song features the awesome Tea Killick on Voila and is quite a tear jerker!

3. We have been waiting for your new music since you released your debut album 'Worlds Apart', where have you been?

I have been busy gigging, touring, working, experiencing and writing ever since my last album and most importantly saving up to record another album. Being an independent artist, I don't have thousands of pounds at my disposal so it takes time to be in the position to record more. Fortunately I have a great musical relationship with my producer Olli Daffarn at Blue Dot Studios so we have both really taken our time over this album to ensure it's the best it can be. We're both very proud!

4. It's your second studio album, do you think you've changed from the first one?

I like to think I have matured a lot since my first album. Not only am I more experienced in music but I am older and wiser now so my lyrics are better. I also had the luxury of spending a bit more money and really taking my time over the final mixes. I always feel like my last album was a little bit rushed. I have also improved vastly on piano since then so the piano songs on this album are much much better.

5. What's your next plan after your second studio album 'Brand New Start'?

I will always keep writing and recording so i'm sure there will be a third album within the next 12-24 months! I would like to venture abroad and take my music to different countries as I seem to have an ever growing fan base overseas! I'm sure by travelling and experiencing new places, my mind will grow and my music will follow.


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