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[回顧] Edeline Lee回歸樸實的秋冬二零一六/ [Before SS17] Edeline Lee's idea of return to simplicity

Dylan Tang

​「我覺得我們都需要簡化生活中的一切;吃健康的食物,減少人生所需並且拉回純粹的生活。我用簡單的雛形搭配清楚的紋路以及單純的布料帶出我的16秋冬女裝。我們現在的環境跟氣候跟我們最初要求的有著諷刺性的反差,我們真的應該要拋棄一切,讓自己能夠遠離這些塵囂。」Edeline 這樣子述說她的秋冬女裝系列;如何回歸簡單。

二零一六秋冬女裝系列建構在厚重的處女羊毛上;解構形式的大衣帶有花紗設計,彷彿像是全身被一件​​大毯子包覆著;精美的碎花在絲綢上呈現出扭曲狀,但是卻給人芬芳的寧靜感;象牙色的絲綢緞綢表現出華麗的金屬色調;幾套服裝用印花布料來展現Edeline 對於點線面的愛好以及架構;紅色泡泡紗與金屬綠的Lurex織物的禮服。

​​​"I think we are all feeling the need to simplify, pull back, minimise, declutter, underexpose, eat cleaner food, air out our in boxes, stop keeping up with the Joneses, turn off our iphones and go off the grid. I used purer shapes, cleaner lines and fabrics with integrity. The landscape and climate we live in now ironically requires us to be constantly exposed and yet at the same time, hold ourselves once removed from all the chatter," Edeline commented. Autumn Winter 2016 started with the idea of a return to simplicity.

A functional, utilitarian series of Black, Calico and Ivory pieces are made of heavy Virgin Wool Crepe. Unstructured coats made of Virgin Wool Boucle are edged with three-dimensional contrast piping and wrap, like blankets around the body. A delicate Floral Double Gauze plays against larger distorted floral embroidery made of silken, fringed threads. An ivory Silk Charmeuse is finely checked with golden threads. A series of pieces made of textured Flou Bubble reinterpret Edeline's constant obsessions with proportion, line and composition. A Red Seersucker and Money Green Lurex Lame gown shimmer in the distance.

​Official Website:

Facebook: Edeline Lee

INSTAGRAM: @EdelineLee

Twitter: @EdelineLee

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