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[回顧] Teatum Jones的秋冬AW16; Anything Can Happen... / [Before SS17] Teatum Jones' AW16; Anything Ca

Dylan Tang

Teatum Jones 是由 Catherine Teatum 和 Rob Jones 兩位服裝設計師成立的女裝品牌;其中品牌的核心為摩登、華麗以及剛勁的美學。

Teatum Jones 的服裝設計讓人感受到宛如一位充滿創意、自信以及聰明的女性站在你的面前;這都歸功於他們在Ravensbourne 和 Central Saint Martin's 求學時的人生經歷;在當時的環境下,他們學會了對人類與愛的觀察敘事,並和他們獨特的手藝結合,成就了Teatum Jones 在時裝上所呈現的 ‘’有條理的設計師‘’

Teatum Jones 不只是一個時裝品牌更是兩位設計師的雙倍榮耀,舉凡所有的報導都稱他們為倫敦時裝的發明家。

在倫敦時裝周 二零一七春夏發表之際,一起來回顧Teatum Jones 上個系列 ‘Anything Can Happen...' 。

Catherine Teatum and Rob Jones are the designers of London based womenswear brand Teatum Jones; a label which has become recognised for its modern, polished and bold aesthetic.

Teatum Jones’ aesthetic speaks to a super smart, confident and creative woman. Having trained in womenswear at Ravensbourne and Central Saint Martin’s respectively they were united through their love of human narrative. They have a unique and artisanal approach to the design process, often being referred to as “method designers". Such an approach to design has earned the duo accolades, reviews and output referring to them as London's young ‘textile pioneers’ and ‘innovators’.

Before London Fashion Week SS17, Let's review Teatum Jones AW16 collection 'Anything Can Happen...'.

Official Website:

Facebook: Teatum Jones




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