深受觀眾喜愛的香港戶外音樂及藝術節 Clockenflap 宣佈,將於 2016 年 11 月 25 日(星期五)至 27 日(星期日) 舉行第九屆盛事,今年將移師至中環海濱, 讓一眾狂迷能在香港的心臟地帶,更方便地享受國際級陣容的精彩演出。
今年,Clockenflap 將再一次雲集本地及海外最才華洋溢的表演者,並提供一個讓人創作靈感爆棚 及多元創新的環境,更有大量精彩的音樂、藝術、手作及美食等節目及內容。
本屆 Clockenflap 的限量早鳥優惠門票現已公開發售。更多有關演出單位及門票的資訊,請瀏覽 www.clockenflap.com。
Clockenflap 率先公佈首輪演出陣容,國際級音樂單位將於今年 11 月照耀多個舞台。一如既往, Clockenflap 邀請本地及海外多支風格獨特的音樂勁旅助陣,為樂迷帶來連場震撼的超班演出。對 熱愛音樂的您,今年的音樂及藝術節絕對是香港難得一見的體驗,一定不容錯過!
首先揭曉的是冰島著名後搖班霸 Sigur Rós (冰島) —— 這支地位超然的冰島樂隊將以其標誌性的 空靈音樂氛圍及充滿魔性的現場表演,演繹新曲並為演出加入全新的神秘元素,帶領一眾樂迷穿 梭於嶄新的音樂體驗之中。
緊接的是來自牛津的五人樂隊 Foals (英國),樂隊尤以其爆炸力十足的搖滾音樂
、鏗鏘有力的澎 湃節奏,以及充滿細節的即興結他演奏最為人熟識。Foals 於 2015 年勇奪 Q Awards 最佳組合獎, 其最新推出的第四張專輯好評如潮,Clockenflap 邀得此獨立樂隊巨頭到場演出,絕對是樂迷的福音!
另外, 創作女神 陳綺貞 (台灣)將首次於今年的 Clockenflap 舞台上演出。她一直以其迷人的姿態 在華語樂壇綻放獨特光芒,配上維港迷人景色,定能營造出充滿質感的音樂 。就讓我們一齊 期待這位文藝女神的演出吧!
其他演出單位還包括 José González (瑞典) 、Fat Freddy's Drop (紐西蘭) 、Crystal Castles (加拿大) 和朱凌凌 (香港) 等。熱切期待今年盛事的樂迷現可於 www.clockenflap.com 預覽首輪公 佈的詳細演出陣容。
去年的 Clockenflap 被譽為最成功的一年,吸引超過 60,000 人次入場欣賞來自 New Order、The Libertines、A$AP Rocky、Damien Rice、何韻詩、竇靖童等的精彩演出,觀眾同時亦充分感受到 街頭藝術、互動藝術裝置及世界級行為藝術帶來的獨有體驗。今年 Clockenflap 2016 將會是歷年 來最大型的一屆,門票數量有限,請火速訂購!

Clockenflap, Hong Kong’s beloved outdoor music and arts festival, is delighted to announce its 2016 dates: Friday, November 25 to Sunday, November 27. More central than ever, this year’s festival will take place at Central Harbourfront, the most accessible of locations right in the heart of the city.
Clockenflap will once more unite the best local, regional and international talent for a unique blend of music, arts, crafts and food, in an atmosphere brimming with creative inspiration and cultural diversity. Early Bird tickets for Clockenflap 2016 will be available beginning May 3.
For further information on lineup, ticket types and prices, please visit www.clockenflap.com.
Unveiling the first wave of musical talent that will grace the stages in November, Clockenflap continues to feature an unparalleled spectrum of music genres from a wide range of local and global artists. The 2016 festival is a unique opportunity for Hong Kong music lovers to enjoy a quality lineup of talent rarely seen in the city.
First up is one of the most renowned and influential Icelandic bands of all time, Sigur Rós (IS). The post-rock heavyweights promise an unforgettable live show with their iconic ambient sound and epic melodies, new unreleased songs and a unique concert experience.
Next up is Foals (UK), the Oxford quintet known for their incredible anthem-art rock sound, punchy rhythms and detailed guitar lines. Taking home Best Act in the World Today at the Q Awards in 2015, and the recent release of their fourth album to rave reviews, Clockenflap is delighted to have these indie giants on the lineup.
Joining them on the lineup is popular Taiwanese singer-songwriter 陳綺貞 Cheer Chen (TW).
Her ethereal voice and laidback tunes combined with Hong Kong’s iconic harbour view will make for an idyllic concert atmosphere. This will be her first time playing at Clockenflap, and it is a delight
to welcome the admired singer to the festival.
Confirmed acts for this year also include: José González (SE), Fat Freddy's Drop (NZ), Crystal Castles (CA) and 朱凌凌 Juicyning (HK).
Festival enthusiasts can now preview the entire first round lineup on www.clockenflap.com.
Last year’s Clockenflap was a striking success, with over 60,000 fans attending memorable performances from the likes of New Order, The Libertines, A$AP Rocky, Damien Rice, HOCC, Leah Dou, and many more. Guests experienced a unique combination of street arts, interactive installations and world-class performing arts. Grab your tickets now to secure a place at Clockenflap 2016 - the biggest yet!