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Edward Crutchley 的朝聖者之路/ Edward Crutchley's Pilgrim's Progress

Dylan Tang

Edward Crutchley 在六月的倫敦時裝週時發表了二零一七年的春夏男裝系列,這一整個系列有著鮮艷的色彩已經印花與格紋所帶來的視覺衝擊。有人覺得Edward Crutchley 的設計系列的陽剛之氣都略嫌不足,但是Edward Crutchley 表示「這從來不是我主觀下的決定,這些決定都是自然而然的產生而來。」


Edward Crutchley presented his SS17 collection during London Collections Men in June. The collection has different Florial Jacquard, Tie Dye and Arashi Shibori. We may heard someone; especially MEN, refused wearing colourful pieces and clothes with patterns. However, if Edward Crutchley had the same feeling, we weren't able to amazed by his latest designs.

He described his designs ''It’s never a conscious decision, it just always happens.” Apparently Edward Crutchley only keep his faith and go straight on his path.

Mr. Crutchley; man from Yorkshire, is not only do what he wants to do but also support by Kyoto by the Head of the Shibori Guild. Th result, as we can see, just brilliant than ever. No wonder many people are expecting his next collection for the entire fashion world of men.


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