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首位媚比琳的全球亞洲廣告代言人-吳宜樺/ First Asian ambassador shines in Maybelline, A Taiwanese model – I-Hua WU

Tracy Wang


21歲的吳宜樺是新臺灣之光,在2016年五月,她被正式宣佈為媚比琳的全球廣告的第一位亞洲模特兒,在這之前雖然已有別的亞洲模特兒為媚比琳代言,但他可是第一位躍上全球版面的亞洲代言人,他將與吉吉哈蒂德(Gigi Hadid)、卓丹鄧(Jourdan Dunn)、克莉絲蒂杜靈頓(Christy Turlington)、艾蜜莉迪多納(Emily Didonato)等超級名模並列為「Maybelline Girl」。




It is really competitive in the model casting in beauty industry. In fact, there are some Asian models have already represented to the makeup brands. But it is not any other brands but the well-known brand Maybelline in this time. So it is pretty big.

21 years old Taiwanese beauty I-Hua WU has been announced officially as Maybelline’s global brand ambassador in May 2016. She is the first Asian model shines it on a global scale in beauty industry. She is going to join the ranks of Gigi Hadid、Jourdan Dunn、Christy Turlington、Emily Didonato, as 「Maybelline Girl」.

She may look glamorous now, however, her childhood was not a bed of roses. "Since I was little, I was bullied because I was too tall, or different somehow — I’m not really sure," she says in The Cut interview. But it's her height that eventually led to being discovered as a model. She also admitted that she was not confident of her eyes without circular contact lenses. She would refuse to remove it during the shooting.

Even now she is still struggling of lacking of confidence. But she says “It doesn’t matter if your eyes are big or your complexion is white—people don’t care. As long as you think you’re beautiful, you will be beautiful.” It is also a good reminder to women that do not be to harsh for themselves, the most beautiful woman is the one who is confident about herself and confidence is an inner beauty to lead the attraction and success. Congrats to I-Hua WU and we are looking forward to seeing her on the Maybelline campaigns.

Instagram : @_ihua_

(Photo Source : MP Paris)


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