走在一段沒有盡頭,了解自己的路上,就是旅行的意義。」- 陳綺貞
陳綺貞,每個臺灣人在青少年時都會哼上她的一首歌,不管是當時對 愛情的懵懂無知還是對社會行為的一知半解,陳綺貞的歌曲總是能帶 給每個正在茁壯的年輕人一個撫慰的力量。距離陳綺貞上一張專輯『時間的歌』到現在已經相隔了三年,每個人 都在期待陳綺貞的全新作品以及回歸,因為對這一個世代的台灣人而 言,我們的青春裡都有著屬於陳綺貞的一個房間。今年七月,陳綺貞回到了觀眾面前;不過,這一次她不是帶著全新的 音樂而是帶著透過解構的力量的影像讓觀眾更貼近他的內心與想法。
有時又必須 容許自我大到漫溢出自己的房間。」
- 陳綺貞
『移動的房間』是一個解構陳綺貞生活的展覽,就像是將一塊拼湊完 整的幾何拼圖重新拼湊,而在過程中我們檢視每一塊基本的物件如何完成一個完整的拼圖。身為一個臺灣流行文化的指標,出道 18 年的陳綺貞,除了有歌手的 稱號以外更有人稱呼他為一位藝術家,因為她不僅為臺灣的文化立下 標竿,更在渾沌的現實生活中保持自我。
- 陳綺貞
‘Losing your courage that may be happening on the journey. obsess the unfinished dreams, a journey without an end perhaps is the meaning of travelling.’
-Cheer Chen
In Taiwan, each adolescent can sing a song from Cheer Chen. Her songs have a power which can point a path to their souls, no matter if they are looking for the answer of love or the art of how to act as an adult.
Songs from Cheer always heal souls when they need it, since her latest album ‘Songs of Transience’ it has been three years since her fans have heard any news from her.Due to Cheer being an icon of popular culture, everyone is expects that she resumes her career and carries on playing music, hence this July she finally resumes her career however, she isn’t going to play music this time. Instead this is an exhibition of her works from the beginning.
‘Creation is dangerous. Sometimes I ignore everything. Sometimes I care about anything.’
-Cheer Chen
‘Being, not being’ is an exhibition taking place by Cheer Chen from July to August in 2016, this exhibition people will be given a chance to observe her work since her album debut which was eighteen years ago. Her massive work will be showcased in pieces because she deconstructed everything.Audiences of this exhibition will be able to puzzle all of the pieces and construct a new face for her. She is also known as a singer but her fans recognise her as an artist, people respect her and have not forgotten who she is and always follow what she wants in this chaos world.
‘Being or not being, i’m the only one who knows this rule.’
-Cheer Chen