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SEVERAL 勞動階級的時尚/ Fashion working class LCM SS17

Dylan Tang

北方與南方勞動階級的相遇;一九五零與六零年代的英國,主要的經濟來源來自於他們的勞動階級;而英國的時尚也因為當時主要社會結構跟現在有些許的不同,這樣的風格也成為 SEVERAL 二零一七春夏系列的設計理念。

在SEVERAL的展示的會場裡,可以看見懷舊的木質地板以及復古式的餐具以及餐廳擺設,環繞在現場演奏的音樂裡頭,SEVERAL 的 展示會場可以說是將人們一口氣拉回七十年前的單純時光。當時的社會脈動跟現在來說沒有什麼特別的改變,而且模特兒身上穿著是當時的指標服裝:斜紋西裝、綿綢襯衫、格紋狀襯衫、拜倫領襯衫、牛奶員外套、喇叭褲以及適合春夏的泡泡紗。模特兒在會場裡不時地走動以及翻閱著當時的雜誌,更讓人有著一股當時人們下班後聚集談天的社會脈動。

SEVERAL 一直致力於重現英國次文化的時裝風格,提供男性一個對於舊衣櫃感到煩膩卻又能在他們的設計系列裡找到相似但是有全新感受的靈魂。

The North meet the South; In the 50s and 60s Britain, the economic structure was reply on working class servicemen. Fashion industry might different compare with the woking classes style; however, the mainstream-style was belong to working class no doubt. Therefore; this phenomenal influence provide the basis fort he SEVERAL; SS 17 collection.

During the presentation of SEVERAL, their decoration and vibes are in the 50s and surround by the live music. Due to these beautiful keys, every single audiences had put to the old Britain which is 70 years ago. In that time, the 1950s and 1960s, the social society was not that different if we compare to the contemporary routine. People are gathering after their working hours, even they are not talking in the bar, they are reading the magazine or newspaper to enjoy their leisure time.

SEVERAL having weave hop sack, cotton poplin, graphic ginghams, Byron collared shirts, milkman coat, striped seersuckers , wide legs trousers for their SS 17 collection, colours are approaching the bright filed; such as, yellow, green and orange.

SEVERAL firmly embedded British subculture, they provides to men’s new idea but still classic and shape style for their wardrobe. Check the images and follow up their absolutely amazing SS 17 collection.

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