陳綺貞,每個臺灣人在青少年時都會哼上她的一首歌,不管是當時對愛情的懵懂無 知還是對社會行為的一知半解,陳綺貞的歌曲總是能帶給每個正在茁壯的年輕人一 個撫慰的力量。
距離陳綺貞上一張專輯『時間的歌』到現在已經相隔了三年,每個人都在期待陳綺 貞的全新作品以及回歸,因為對這一個世代的台灣人而言,我們的青春裡都有著屬 於陳綺貞的一個房間。
今年七月,陳綺貞回到了觀眾面前;不過,這一次她不是帶著全新的音樂而是帶著 透過解構的力量的影像讓觀眾更貼近他的內心與想法。
In Taiwan, each adolescent can sing a song from Cheer Chen. Her songs have a power which can point a path to their soul. No matter they are looking for the answer of love or the art of how to acting as an adult. Songs from Cheer, always can heal souls when they just need it.
Since her latest album ‘Songs of Transience’, it has been three years people don’t have any news from her. Due to Cheer is an icon of popular culture, everyone is expecting she resumes her career and keep playing music. Hence, in this July, she finally resumes her career; however, she isn’t going to play music this time. Instead, is an exhibition of her works. Her works from the beginning.
Words by Dylan Tang 唐世頴