TAG Heuer泰格豪雅於上周在香港海港城專門店舉行開幕典禮,宣佈品牌成為「2016國泰航空/滙豐香港國際七人英式橄欖球賽」的官方指定計時及贊助商。「雷神」、同時也是TAG Heuer品牌大使─ Chris Hemsworth與 LVMH Watch & Jewellery大中華區總裁、TAG Heuer 大中華區總經理、香港英式橄欖球總會行政總裁齊聚香港,見證這個歷史時刻。
Chris Hemsworth表示:「感謝 TAG Heuer泰格豪雅邀請我出席這次的活動,能夠見證享譽全球的體育賽事,令我深感榮幸。無論是演員或是英式橄欖球員,都經常要面對不同的挑戰,而TAG Heuer泰格豪雅 #DontCrackUnderPressure(無懼挑戰,成就自我)的精神有助我們創出佳績。」

Last Week, the swiss brand TAG Heuer launched their flagship store at 海港城 Harbour City in Hong Kong. They also declared they will be the only and providing extraordinary specific time for the match of the Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2016.
In the meantime, Chris Hemsworth appeared at the Harbour City, he was celebrating with Presidents of LVMH Watch & Jewellery, TAG Heure and Hong Kong Sevens for this phenomenal cooperation.
Mr. Hemsworth said 'I’m very appreciate TAG Heuer invited me to participating this fantastic event. For me, I’m very honour to be here, because no matter you are an actor or a rugby player, you have to facing many challenges any time. But TAG Heuer is giving us a new attitude, which is #DontCrackUnderPressure, and this attitude will leading us exceed our succeed.’