凱特琳・詹納,成為H&M 的全新代言人- 根據英國 Dazed and Confused Magazine 雜誌報導,瑞典品牌H&M三天前揭露的全新運動系列便是以這位性別轉換者當作代言人,而且這也不是 H&M第一次與忠實自我靈魂卻長錯身體的名人或者模特兒合作,但是這卻在網路上引發了不同的聲音,許多人認為這樣的行為可以為時尚增加完整度,但是另一方面,卻有人認為 ’’你可以忠實自己靈魂的皈依,但是這不是時尚!’’
不論H&M 的決定對錯與否,但無庸置疑的,在社群媒體上確實引發一股討論的風潮了!
x 凱特琳・詹納 x 前美國奧運十項全能的國手,由原本名為 布魯斯・詹納 變換性別。 x Instagram 六百三十萬追蹤者。@caitlynjenner
x 2015 年登上美國版浮華世界雜誌封面。
Is it a reputation war for fast fashion?
Caitlyn Jenner, a new face of H&M.
According to DAZED & CONFUSED magazine, H&M recently announced this transgender celebrity be their new face of sport collection. In fact, this is not first time H&M worked with single gender but different soul’s model or celebrity. However, this movement makes social media has a dramatically discussion. Most of people figure out that ‘ these models or celebrities can comprehend fashion industry.’ In contrast, people on social media thought ‘ they are pretty, respectful and truly follow their soul, however, they are not fashion.’
No matter Caitlyn Jenner is a proper face for H&M or not, this announcement literally giving this brand more effect than their expectation before.