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1x1 Studio 秋冬2020系列就像「刺蝟愛上玫瑰」/ 1x1 Studio AW20 collection just like when Hedgehog loves Rose

Dylan Tang

臺灣設計師品牌 1x1 Studio 將戀人們在旅行時的道別的愛,用2020秋冬的時裝表現出來;因為在機場時的吻別,就像是我們穿在身上的針織衣物一樣柔軟、貼近、又帶給我們溫暖。但是那個離別時的一吻,又像鐵鍊般將我們在現實中拉扯的枷鎖。


為了在發表時能夠表現出,這樣衝突的氛圍, 1x1 Studio 這一次將地點選在倫敦最有時髦的酒吧Fabric。在這裡,1x1 Studio 的最新系列,除了表現出強烈的視覺效果外,也透過舞者Pierre Antoine與Aimee Dulake的肢體語言,讓大家對郭奕伶想表達的愛情也更加了解。值得一提的是,因為辦在Fabric 的關係,這一次的系列雖然強調著愛,但也讓人對於1x1 Studio的最新系列產生了「皮繩愉虐」(BDSM) 的遐想。


1x1 Studio used their autumn/winter 2020 collection to expressed the feeling of love when lovers are farewell at travelling. Especially when they are kissing at the airport whereases is soft, close, and warm. The expression literally just like what knitwear can give it to us when we are wearing on our body. But the kiss at the time still likes a chain that pulled us in reality.

In this collection, creative director Yi-Ling Guo, drastically change the usual designs from her past, such as iron chain and iron net. However, she still applied her best knitting technology to the new collection. Although many people think that "iron chain" and "yearn" do not really match, through the clever ideas and superb techniques of Yi Ling, the combination of soft and hard, just like a hedgehog falling in love with roses, can create the most unforgettable love.

In order to show such an atmosphere of conflict at the presentation, 1x1 Studio chose the most stylish club in London to be the venue, where named Fabric. Here, the AW20 collection of 1x1 Studio, in addition to showing strong visual effects, also uses the body language of dancers Pierre Antoine and Aimee Dulake to let everyone know more about the love that Guo wants to showcase. It is worth mentioning that because of Fabric Club, it emphasises the love and also makes people related BDSM to 1x1 Studio’s latest collection.

Leather pants, leather straps, and models that sometimes show their skin, their good figure and wearing blood-staining clothing make people more complete about the concept that Guo Yiling wants to say. After all, it is not wrong for hedgehogs to fall in love with roses, but the scars on their bodies after hugging each other may also be the sequelae of love after mad love!



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