Dylan TangJan 30, 2023《仇恨謎林》克里斯汀穆基探討種族衝突與民族主義/ Cristian Mungiu "R.M.N." unveils the reality of racial conflict
Dylan TangOct 31, 2022黃秋生探討香港難民故事 《白日青春》問鼎金馬六項大獎/ The Sunny Side of the Street, A Story of Refugees in Hong Kong
Dylan TangJun 28, 2022雷神10年 克里斯漢斯沃的愛與雷霆/ 10 years for Thor, Chris Hemsworth is giving you Love and Thunder
Dylan TangJun 21, 2022《少年吔,安啦!》30週年合輯記者會 AllSaints力挺/ AllSaints support Dust of Angel. Not just Saying, AllSaints did it!
Dylan TangMay 31, 2022碧娜鮑許紀錄片《PINA》10週年重返大銀幕/ PINA, Pina Bausch, documentary back to the cinema for 10 anniv.
Dylan TangMay 5, 2022鄭伊健與王柏傑!《百萬人推理》華麗卡司陣容曝光/ Ekin Cheng and Po-Chieh Wang will be seen together in a great TV series