Dylan TangJan 19, 2022《帷幕臺北》使藝術連結生活 臺北10間風格酒吧力挺參與/ 《FAÇADE TAIPEI》The Art Festival works with 10 Special Bars in Taipei
Dylan TangNov 8, 2021周世雄透過在地風景致敬200歲Louis Vuitton/ Louis Vuitton covered by petroleum because of Chou Shih-Hsiung
Dylan TangJul 11, 2020BALLY 的藝術魅力從170週年開始說起/ BALLY's artistic charm starts from the 170th anniversary
Dylan TangNov 8, 2016Bruce Weber to be honoured with the Isabella Blow Award for Fashion Creator at the Fashion Awards 20
Dylan TangAug 16, 2016人物訪問:Flat Wine Bottle Art; 翻轉酒後空殼的藝術/ Interview: 手工窯燒酒瓶藝術; The Art of Wine Bottle