臺灣樂團發新歌!告五人跨電影圈為電影〈為我辦一場西式的喪禮〉量身打造主題曲〈就說你想說的〉/ Accusefive’s New Song is on the Way
《藍色恐懼:4K數位修復版》重返大螢幕,再現今敏經典驚悚神作/Perfect Blue Returns to the Big Screen, Reviving Satoshi Kon's Classic Thriller Masterpiece
超越LIVE的表演|福山雅治首部演唱會電影全台限定上映/ A Legend, Fukuyama Masaharu Live in the cinema
《魔法公主》回歸大螢幕:探尋電影院的獨特魔法/ Princess Mononoke Back to Cinema
陳坤厚代表作《結婚》數位版世界首映、《惡潮》獲頒首獎/ Chen Kun-Hou's His Matrimony Debuts Digitally, Malice Won the Prize
《年少日記》:一覽卓亦謙導演的豐沛情感/ Time Still Turns The Pages: Nick Cheuk's Emotional Tapestry
傅孟柏與王柏傑為愛而吃《美食無間》吃出最辣螢幕情侶/ Gourmet Affairs, Food is Love and Justice
國片大戰進入線上串流《疫起》《鬼家人》Netflix獨家播放/ A Battle of The Best Film in Taiwan. Netflix raises the curtain.
《Euphoria》男星Angus Cloud 得年25歲!家人透露他因近期失去父親而深陷抉擇/ Angus Cloud, Euphoria' actor, died at 25
《疫起》 王柏傑和薛仕凌重現SARS一線戰士/ Eye of the Storm, The Memory We won’t Forget
《本日公休》陸小芬x傅孟柏 高超演技道出最濃臺灣味 / Day Off, A True Story About Taiwanese’s Kindness
鄭秀文挺新導演 無酬演出《流水落花》 / Sammi CHENG is the leading actress of Sing-Fung Ka’s first feature, LOST LOVE
《仇恨謎林》克里斯汀穆基探討種族衝突與民族主義/ Cristian Mungiu "R.M.N." unveils the reality of racial conflict
跨性別者內心 王可元新作品《阿媽》/ Tommi Wang is playing a transgender role in a-má
黃秋生探討香港難民故事 《白日青春》問鼎金馬六項大獎/ The Sunny Side of the Street, A Story of Refugees in Hong Kong
《士兵與軍官》展現如何真正地「愛」與「被愛」/ Firebird will teach you how to love and be loved
雷神10年 克里斯漢斯沃的愛與雷霆/ 10 years for Thor, Chris Hemsworth is giving you Love and Thunder
《少年吔,安啦!》30週年合輯記者會 AllSaints力挺/ AllSaints support Dust of Angel. Not just Saying, AllSaints did it!
碧娜鮑許紀錄片《PINA》10週年重返大銀幕/ PINA, Pina Bausch, documentary back to the cinema for 10 anniv.
挑戰師生戀 陳昊森再披學生服出演《第9節課》/Edward Chen will have a taboo love in LESSON IN LOVE