Edward Crutchley 的朝聖者之路/ Edward Crutchley's Pilgrim's Progress
人物訪問:羅婕;不侷限在框架裡的藝術/ Interview; Kewpie, The Unlimited Art
穿出不完美 Dress as an imperfect Ken (Only Mandarin version)
巴士底樂團 全球揭發曲目活動 #WILDWORLDREVEAL / BASTILLE; Reveal their songs from all the world
來自約克郡男人的完美設計-Edward Crutchley/ A Perfect Design from the man of Yorkshire; Edward Crutchley
TAG Heuer is classic/ 泰格豪雅傳承經典
人物訪問:Flat Wine Bottle Art; 翻轉酒後空殼的藝術/ Interview: 手工窯燒酒瓶藝術; The Art of Wine Bottle
落差草原 WWWW;實驗民謠樂團 / Prairie WWWW; An experimental folk band formed in Taipei, Taiwan
英式優雅痞子 Thom Sweeney SS17/ The British elegant Mafia; Thom Sweeney SS17
人物訪問:搖滾詩人,法蘭克透納 / Interview: The Brad of Rock Music, Frank Turner
人物訪問:Morgan Boudet 的法式臺北生活/ Interview; Morgan Boudet, French lifestyle in Taipei.
夏至音樂節 / Make Music
首位媚比琳的全球亞洲廣告代言人-吳宜樺/ First Asian ambassador shines in Maybelline, A Taiwanese model – I-Hua WU
陳綺貞創作個展「移動的房間」/ Cheer Chen's ''being, not being'' exhibition
法式動物園 / Zoo
EURO 2016 – FIFA 2014 – Taiwan 歐洲盃 2016 – 世界盃 2014 – 臺灣
Kiko Kostadinov;死而後生 / Kiko Kostadinov; Two Death, Three Birth
Taylor Morris; 再現英式的簡約精緻設計/ Taylor Morris; A British elegance and sophistication
Universal Works和Allan Buxton的春夏男裝革命/Universal Works and Allan Buxton’s Revolution!
SEVERAL 勞動階級的時尚/ Fashion working class LCM SS17