《帷幕臺北》使藝術連結生活 臺北10間風格酒吧力挺參與/ 《FAÇADE TAIPEI》The Art Festival works with 10 Special Bars in Taipei
周世雄透過在地風景致敬200歲Louis Vuitton/ Louis Vuitton covered by petroleum because of Chou Shih-Hsiung
BALLY 的藝術魅力從170週年開始說起/ BALLY's artistic charm starts from the 170th anniversary
「蕈 息」范格斯攝影個展 "SETA" Miguel Angel Vargas (Mandarin Vers.)
醒著夢遊 / Sleepwalking Awake
《人非人》張國耀攝影個展 (Mandarin Ver.)
Bruce Weber 將在英國時尚大獎榮獲時尚創作者獎
Bruce Weber to be honoured with the Isabella Blow Award for Fashion Creator at the Fashion Awards 20
Sadie Clayton 的時間與生命 / Sadie Clayton's time and life; SS17 collection
躍升不夜城,臺北''白晝之夜'' / The Sleepless City, ''Nuit Blanche'' Taipei
人物訪問:羅婕;不侷限在框架裡的藝術/ Interview; Kewpie, The Unlimited Art
人物訪問:Flat Wine Bottle Art; 翻轉酒後空殼的藝術/ Interview: 手工窯燒酒瓶藝術; The Art of Wine Bottle