臺客雜誌 ISSUE 08總編輯的話/ TAIKER Magazine ISSUE 08 Editor’s Note
愛情的多種模樣 《我沒有談的那場戀愛》/ The Shapes of Love, ‘I Missed You’
如何看待現象級的《鬼滅之刃》?/ How to explain the phenomenon of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba?
臺客雜誌 ISSUE 07總編輯的話/ TAIKER Magazine ISSUE 07 Editor’s Note
刻在你心底的名字:永恆的聲音與回憶/ Your Name Engraved Herein, Eternal songs and memory
刻在你心底的名字:我們真的感受到自由了嗎?/ Your Name Engraved Herein, Do You Know Freedom?
Simon Newton 那一個你想成為的狠角色/ Simon Newton, the one you want to be
布魯克林貝克漢根本不需要在乎你的眼光/ Brooklyn Beckham doesn't care about what you think
Andy Robertson 戮力一心的蘇格蘭足球戰士/ Andy Robertson, the Glasgow warrior always give 100%
Fontaines D.C 無所畏懼的新世代樂團/ Fontaines D.C. with their fearless and bold 《DOGREL》
英國音樂巨人 Damon Albarn, the Legacy of Britpop
瑪丹娜為眾生禱告第三十年 / Madonna’s ‘Like A Prayer’ is 30 years old
模特兒明日之星 vo.1/ NEWGEN - Models vo.1
2019六國賽第三輪:法國隊主場狂壓蘇格蘭/ Six Nations, Round 3, France defeated Scotland at home
2019 六國賽第三輪:無人能敵的威爾斯巨龍/ Six Nations Round 3, The unrivalled Red Dragon, Wales
2019六國賽第二輪:英格蘭主場強壓法國隊/ Six Nations Round 2, England’s suppress
2019 六國賽第二輪:威爾斯二連勝/ Six Nations Round 2, Wales Dragon is on Fire
2019六國賽第二輪:愛爾蘭壓倒性地獲得勝利/ Six Nations Round 2, Ireland’s belief
Ralph & Russo 明星最愛的高級訂製服/ Celebrities’ favourite, Ralph & Russo
Circa Waves 音樂成就電影成就音樂/ Circa Waves’ music is movie into rhythm