舞台劇《天后》勾起觀眾應進場看劇的理由/ The Audition, the reason why we do need theatre
《本日公休》陸小芬x傅孟柏 高超演技道出最濃臺灣味 / Day Off, A True Story About Taiwanese’s Kindness
單身也能戀愛!為什麼要喝金車Safari Club期間限定調酒?/ King Car Group Launched Limited Edition of Safari Club
去趟義大利印花設計商展 討論臺灣設計師的下一步/ How COMOCREA reflects Taiwan’s design industry?
超級可愛的自由靈魂!誰能不被持修吸引?/Chih Siou, a super cute and free spirit!
先在意我是誰而不是我的性別 雙生Yin & Yei勇敢做自己 / Yin&Yei, the twins who are brave enough
溫暖系男孩 陳昊森用真誠感動觀眾/Edward Chen's power, sincerity and heartfelt acting skill
Burberry邀泰星Bright Vachirawit擔任品牌大使!/Burberry invites Bright Vachirawit as brand ambassador
莊凱勛成為父親後,看待表演又不一樣了 / Kaiser Chuang knows how to act more relaxed after being a father
殷振豪的臺式愛情本來就很浪漫/ Yin Chen Hao created the unique aesthetics of Taiwan
來臺追夢的台日混血-楊宇騰YU/YU, A Treasure Mingled of Japan and Taiwan
「情、慾、義」《月老》難忘的三位男性角色/ Till We Meet Again, 3 Roles We Won’t Forget
以給全世界笑容的演員為名的調酒:Charlie Chaplin/ Smile! It's the most joyful cocktail: Charlie Chaplin
慾望城市裡溫柔而有力量的調酒:Cosmopolitan/ The Cocktail of Sex and the City Cosmopolitan
【臺客玩錶】欠收藏!百年靈「飛虎隊」80週年限量款,傳奇「飛虎標誌」竟是迪士尼手筆?/The Story of Breitling 'sFlying Tiger
屬於你的獨特城市夜晚經典:Manhattan / Manhattan, The Night Between You And Me
Old Fashioned:經典調酒老派靈魂存在之必要 / Why Old Fashioned? It's the Necessity Of Being Old School
【臺客玩錶】全黑魂才是潮流主力!2021錶壇為何再吹黑色浪潮?/TAIKER Watching, The Trend of All-black
【臺客玩錶】寶珀攜手慶祝世界海洋日!海洋保育與「五十噚」腕錶的歷史秘密/TAIKER Watching, Balcpain the Fifty Fathoms and WOD
石知田與林暉閔演繹無形的幸福感/ Erek Lin and Chih Tian Shih know what happiness is