頂級香氛|寶格麗的DIAMOND TOWERS新篇章/ Bvlgari unveils the Essence of Premium Fragrances at DIAMOND TOWERS
瑞士精準與義大利工藝的完美融合:TAG Heuer X Thélio/ Swiss Precision Meets Italian Craftsmanship: TAG Heuer X Thélios
聖誕驚喜:TENGA攜台灣R&B明日之星王ADEN獻上節日禮物/ "Christmas Treat: TENGA and Wang ADEN's Festive Collaboration
聖誕精選 v1: Bentley發布最新賓利熊玩偶/ Christmas 2023, Bentley Bears
百歲TIGER攜手宮城秀貴:從關東大地震成為時尚經典之路/ TIGER's 100th: From Kanto Earthquake to Fashion Giant
玄彬代言按摩椅!新手爸爸身心舒暢的祕密/ Hyun Bin, The New Ambassador of OSIM
舞台劇《天后》勾起觀眾應進場看劇的理由/ The Audition, the reason why we do need theatre
NOT JUST ONLY 打造祖雄 限量NOT JUST HERO聯名系列/ NOT JUST ONLY and Hero Tai unveiled the capsule collection
同志遊行50週年 倫敦持續散發彩色光芒/ London Pride 2022
2022米蘭家具展 路易威登Objets Nomades系列十週年/ Louis Vuitton’s 10 anniv. of Objets Nomades at Salone Del Mobile.
世界級交流 Bottega Veneta的新計畫 The Square/ Bottega Veneta launched a new project ‘The Square’
英倫風潮再現台北 AllSaints「城市伊甸園」風格特展/ AllSaints’ CONCRETE EDEN Party in Taipei
周渝民與賓士CLS 登文化媒體VERSE三月封面/ VERSE Magazine March Cover, Vic Chou and Mercedes-Benz CLS
Dior 攜手世界冠軍Kylian Mbappé 代言男裝及香水/ Dior Appoints Kylian Mbappé as Its New Global Ambassador
18世紀的優雅 Henry Jacques 固體香水可換50種經典香氣/ Henry Jacques knows how to SMELL good in 50 ways
斷開2021 聖誕節選禮EP2- Skandinavisk/ Ciao 2021, Christmas Gifting List, EP2- Skandinavisk
找來妮可基嫚 SUPER73 聖羅蘭的宇宙還能更多元?/ Saint Laurent’s universe is vivid AF! Nicole Kidman, SUPER73 then what?
打開神祕紅盒 劉冠廷與陳庭妮揭幕卡地亞概念店/ The Cartier Box is magical, Open it and never let it go
周世雄透過在地風景致敬200歲Louis Vuitton/ Louis Vuitton covered by petroleum because of Chou Shih-Hsiung
關穎配戴寶格麗 體現人生的價值/ BVLGARI and Terri Kwan, It’s the meaning of life