Diamond in the sky, Wen-Ting Chen's Taoist and Sustainable Fashion (English vers.)
新浪潮中的閃耀鑽石,陳玟廷在千年時空中創造的永恆設計(Mandarin vers.)
Pretty Green 2018春夏黑標系列/ Pretty Green spring/summer'18 Black Label
3.PARADIS 秋冬2018最新男裝/ 3.PARADIS autumn/winter'18 collection
ERICHAOLIC & INF 2018Autumn/Winter 《恣 我》 雙品牌聯展 (Mandarin vers.)
Kent & Curwen autumn/winter'18 collection: 'The Boxer, The Artist and The Musician'(
Kent & Curwen 反轉文化的新時尚: 2018秋冬男裝 (Mandarin vers.)
Xander Zhou 秋冬2018男裝系列/ Xander Zhou autumn/winter'18 collection
Bethany Williams 秋冬2018男裝系列/ Bethany Williams autumn/winter'18 collection
TOURNE DE TRANSMISSION 秋冬2018男裝系列/ TOURNE DE TRANSMISSION autumn/winter'18 collection
Wood Wood 秋冬2018男裝系列/ Wood Wood autumn/winter'18 collection
What We Wear 秋冬2018系列/ What We Wear autumn/winter'18 collection
星光熠熠的倫敦男裝週/ London Fashion Week was star-studded
Belstaff 秋冬2018男裝系列 / Belstaff autumn/winter18 collection
Matthew Miller 消彌時裝週偏見的2018秋冬男裝/ Against old establishments, Matthew Miller aw18 collection
John Lawrence Sullivan 絕對瘋狂的 2018 秋冬男裝/ Craziest collection, John Lawrence Sullivan's AW18 mensw
倫敦男裝週揭開男士們的2018年的時尚新氣象/London unveiled the trend for Men during London fashion Week Men’s
Richard Biedul;實力派模特兒/ An exceptional man, Richard Biedul
Converse x J.W. Anderson 自身告白的設計鞋款/ Converse x J.W. Anderson, his self-portrait collection
UNIFORME PARIS 2018春夏形象照/ UNIFORME PARIS Spring/Summer'18 Lookbook