【臺客專訪】禾浩辰 快樂的施與受/ 【TAIKER Man】Bruce Hung, A Giver and Taker of Happiness
臺客雜誌第十期封面人物- 町田啓太/ TAIKER Magazine ISSUE10 Cover Star- Keita Machida
睽違20年 Bally攜新世代再展丹寧時尚/ Denim is Hot! Bally’s SS22 is telling you
炙熱的愛 Salvatore Ferragamo 推2022情人節系列/ My Red Valentine, Salvatore Ferragamo’s Valentine Collection
Versace 春夏22男裝邀請MALUMA擔任廣告男主角 / Versace’s SS22 campaign, MALUMA is the new face
準備戀愛 町田啓太演繹TOD’S春夏男裝/ Keita Machida is TOD’S Best Friend
餃子這樣吃 LOWE邀請吳磊展現中國精神/ LOEWE teams up with Leo Wu for Year of Tiger Campaign
零皮草時尚 Moncler 推出第二季 Born To Protect系列/ Moncler unveiled the new Born To Protect collection
MSGM 秋冬22男裝宛如性愛一樣美好/ MSGM AW22 Menswear, Just Like A Wonderful Sex
不畏肺炎 BALENCIAGA 推城市大片誘出旅行回憶/ BALENCIAGA Unveiled CITIES and OBJECTS Campaign
Victoria Beckham 早秋22系列繼夢露後再挑戰女性曲線/ Victoria Beckham Pre A/W 22 Challenged The Shape of Women's Body
GIORGIO ARMANI 虎年系列 胡歌使新年充滿運動風/ GIORGIO ARMANI Unveiled Its Collection of the Year of Tiger
HOGAN春夏男鞋系列環保又帥氣 黑嘉嘉現身力挺愛地球/ HOGAN Launches SS22 Men’s Collection
LOEWE與神隱少女邂逅 鬼才Anderson再創聯名新高度/ LOEWE Launches ‘Spirited Away’ Capsule Collection
Timothée Chalamet和Haider Ackermann為阿富汗婦幼發聲/ Timothée Chalamet, Haider Ackermann, a Charity Hoodie
羅密歐貝克漢成為 PUMA 全球代言人/ Romeo Beckham sings with PUMA
MSGM一個都不放過 5臺男展現義大利潮流 / MSGM got 5 celebrities to showcase LOGO topwear
回顧2021 Sandro Homme 挑選的15位優秀男性/ Ciao 2021! Sandro Homme and it’s 15 Wonder Men
Bottega Veneta讓出舞台 Matthieu Blazy更重義大利文化精髓/ Bottega for Bottegas, Matthieu Blazy is unpredictable
Dior 攜手世界冠軍Kylian Mbappé 代言男裝及香水/ Dior Appoints Kylian Mbappé as Its New Global Ambassador